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Lenten Meditation #2: The Raising of Lazarus

This is one of the last oil paintings painted by Vincent Van Gogh. It shows the raising of Lazarus which is it’s title. Jesus is not in the image but Lazarus is really a self-portrait of the artist himself, Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh saw himself as dead rising again to new life.

See the sun, an ever present symbol in Van Gogh’s work giving light, hope and presence. Notice Mary’s surprise. Did she not really believe that what Jesus said could actually happen? Do we believe this?

Lent is the 40 day journey that we walk towards Easter. We wonder now if we can make the journey. It’s only the first day. On the first day, we sit with this question:

What’s dead in me that needs to be raised to new life?

As I sit here and ponder this myself my mind roams to my weariness of my writing a new book. I”m ready for it to be done. The past two days have been painfully disappointing because I cloistered myself to work and work on the manuscript only to read the first chapter and to hate it. Hate it so much that I’m starting over with it. It’s an uphill journey like the journey to Easter is for me right now. What feels dead is the very thing I have focused on the most this past year. I wonder today, if I will feel the life again; the passion again to find the right words.

This is my journey to the cross I suppose. To be willing to lay down what I have valued most in order to be free to walk towards Jesus and to walk with him.

As I write this early this morning, I’m aware of my own weariness and the need for a soul rest. Sometimes our minds can be so active like a pin-ball game–a machine where there is a lot of action with balls bouncing, things to avoid, traps to fall into and more. We want the peace.

Yet, unless there is a resurrection, there will be no peace.

This is my Lenten Journey. How would you describe yours?

Lent helps me gain and re-gain perspective on the journey ahead of me. 40 days until Easter.

Lenten Blessings!
Stephen W. Smith

2 Responses

  1. As I ponder your struggle concerning the death and hopeful resurrection of the first chapter in your book, I reflect on my personal conflict concerning the end (death) of a significant chapter in my life (a professional career) and my hesitancy to enter into a chapter devoid of my traditional life’s work. I find myself grasping at opportunities to hold on to what I have so diligently invested my time, energy, and indeed my very soul. I don’t know yet what this new chapter will look like. I pray (with not a little hesitancy) that God will reveal what needs to be resurrected or reborn in me in order to live fully what God has called me to in this new chapter. Blessings to you in this season, and thank you for sharing your journey.

  2. Beautifully stated, Tom! I pray the resurrection for your heart! Steve

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